July | Bloom Class | Alison & Samara's journey to peace & stillness

During this Bloom class, Alison is joined by her daughter Samara from Aries Heart Astrology, to discuss their own wisdom and experiences with being forced to be still and find peace.

This has definitely been a challenge for both of them. Samara being a head strong Aries, who thrives off being active and busy. Alison being the classic Earth Angel, mother & people pleaser, who put everyones needs above her own and felt guilty, selfish and lazy relaxing. But the Universe eventually had to "shake them to awaken them".

Samara talks about how understanding your birth chart and astrology can help you and Alison explains Traditional Chinese Medicine principles of embracing each season and how important it is to heal underlying emotional and energetic imbalances.

Together they now acknowledge how much more happy, healthy, energised and peaceful they feel, now they have stopped fighting stillness and peace and embrace it instead.


July | Breath Work | Sitali BREATH or cooling breath