The Bloom Collective Meditation Series


This collection of beautiful guided meditations, have been lovingly gifted to Alison, by her Spirit team, over several years. Not only to help support Alison, with her earthly life, but to offer love, healing and support to all her clients too.

This collection of 9 guided visualisations and processes contain powerful healing techniques to help you raise your energy, vibration, embrace self love and become your own powerful healer. So your essence can keep evolving, shine bright, thrive & bloom.

Benefits of the Bloom Collective Meditations

Creating a daily or regular meditation practice is a wonderful way to support your mind, body & spirit.

  • It will help you to still your mind. Learn how to detach from negative thoughts and your “inner critic.”

  • Calm your adrenals glands & cortisol. Activate your parasympathetic nervous system and hormones to help you rest and digest.

  • Increase your sense of inner peace, self love, happiness and calm, learning to feel peaceful, in the present moment.

  • Feel grounded in your own body, set loving, healthy boundaries, with yourself and others.· Explore & observe, your inner self, shadow side and heal past wounds.·

  • An essential self care practice to regularly cleanse, uplift & restore your emotional, physical and energetic body.·

  • Support your immune system, stabilise mood swings & help anyone with anxiety and depression.· Connect to your own Divine intelligence & develop your intuitive gifts.·

  • Learn how to connect to your enlightened Spirit team, the Angels & your Spirit Guide for love, healing, guidance & support.

  • Support your awakening journey, when your eternal Soul light, starts to shake you to awaken you. Shifting your conscious awareness out of the confines of your small human self, to your greater wise, eternal self & Soul.

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This collection of beautiful guided meditations, have been lovingly gifted to Alison, by her Spirit team, over several years. Not only to help support Alison, with her earthly life, but to offer love, healing and support to all her clients too.

This collection of 9 guided visualisations and processes contain powerful healing techniques to help you raise your energy, vibration, embrace self love and become your own powerful healer. So your essence can keep evolving, shine bright, thrive & bloom.

Benefits of the Bloom Collective Meditations

Creating a daily or regular meditation practice is a wonderful way to support your mind, body & spirit.

  • It will help you to still your mind. Learn how to detach from negative thoughts and your “inner critic.”

  • Calm your adrenals glands & cortisol. Activate your parasympathetic nervous system and hormones to help you rest and digest.

  • Increase your sense of inner peace, self love, happiness and calm, learning to feel peaceful, in the present moment.

  • Feel grounded in your own body, set loving, healthy boundaries, with yourself and others.· Explore & observe, your inner self, shadow side and heal past wounds.·

  • An essential self care practice to regularly cleanse, uplift & restore your emotional, physical and energetic body.·

  • Support your immune system, stabilise mood swings & help anyone with anxiety and depression.· Connect to your own Divine intelligence & develop your intuitive gifts.·

  • Learn how to connect to your enlightened Spirit team, the Angels & your Spirit Guide for love, healing, guidance & support.

  • Support your awakening journey, when your eternal Soul light, starts to shake you to awaken you. Shifting your conscious awareness out of the confines of your small human self, to your greater wise, eternal self & Soul.

This collection of beautiful guided meditations, have been lovingly gifted to Alison, by her Spirit team, over several years. Not only to help support Alison, with her earthly life, but to offer love, healing and support to all her clients too.

This collection of 9 guided visualisations and processes contain powerful healing techniques to help you raise your energy, vibration, embrace self love and become your own powerful healer. So your essence can keep evolving, shine bright, thrive & bloom.

Benefits of the Bloom Collective Meditations

Creating a daily or regular meditation practice is a wonderful way to support your mind, body & spirit.

  • It will help you to still your mind. Learn how to detach from negative thoughts and your “inner critic.”

  • Calm your adrenals glands & cortisol. Activate your parasympathetic nervous system and hormones to help you rest and digest.

  • Increase your sense of inner peace, self love, happiness and calm, learning to feel peaceful, in the present moment.

  • Feel grounded in your own body, set loving, healthy boundaries, with yourself and others.· Explore & observe, your inner self, shadow side and heal past wounds.·

  • An essential self care practice to regularly cleanse, uplift & restore your emotional, physical and energetic body.·

  • Support your immune system, stabilise mood swings & help anyone with anxiety and depression.· Connect to your own Divine intelligence & develop your intuitive gifts.·

  • Learn how to connect to your enlightened Spirit team, the Angels & your Spirit Guide for love, healing, guidance & support.

  • Support your awakening journey, when your eternal Soul light, starts to shake you to awaken you. Shifting your conscious awareness out of the confines of your small human self, to your greater wise, eternal self & Soul.

Your Happy Place

The healing power of connecting to your inner happy place. A journey to go within, disconnect from the stresses and pressures of life, and access the world of your soul’s inner peace, healing, wisdom, love & guidance. A meditation to get out of the confines of your head, worry and over thinking and strengthen your connection with your other powerful senses of touch, hearing, taste, smelling, seeing and intuition. This guided meditation has been created to support those who are stuck in their head, find it hard to stop worrying and over thinking and struggle to say “no”, without feeling selfish and guilty. It is also wonderful for empathic people, need to learn to observe, not absorb. To create an internal vision or sense of your own “happy place” that will support healthy boundaries, learn the art of detachment, being the observer, without absorbing or having to react.

Connecting & Aligning to Divine Abundance

This guided meditation will help you connect into Universal Divine Love & Abundance. Clear unconscious blocks, beliefs, vows and contracts from the past, so you can let in and receive, naturally and easily. This meditation has been created for anyone who has tried to create more abundance in their life, but feels constantly exhausted and defeated. If this is you, then you may just be an “old soul” or a soul at the stage of your journey where you carry unconscious limiting beliefs that are blocking your ability to receive abundance in all forms. This life time, your wise old soul, came back to earth with important lessons to learn, that goes beyond the ego and what society teaches. As you shift from demanding and chasing, to offering and opening, letting Divine Love take the lead, abundance will start to show up and flow through you.

Snow Globe

This simple snow globe meditation, is designed to help empaths and highly sensitive souls, feel more confident in the world, using their sensitivity as a gift! Empaths are often described as the "human sponges" of the world, easily absorbing other’s emotions, energies and pain. They can often suffer from physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically. The snow globe meditation, helps clear and heal your energy field, from anything you have absorbed. or taken on. It is also a wonderful technique to use anytime and teach you how to "observe NOT absorb!"

I am Light, with Angelic Healing

This guided meditation, has been created to help you reconnect to the “Light”, raise your energy, vibration, feel happy & free. It is especially wonderful for empaths, who can easily feel tired and drained, as it guides you to call in the Angelic realm for help, to clear any cords, fears & attachments that may be blocking our divine light, life force energy & ability to shine in this world We evoke the love and support of Arch Angel Aurora who is a currently working closely with the growing number empaths now here on earth.


This guided meditation has been created to help support your immune system, by cleansing and purifying your mind, body and energy field. Practice this meditation at the end of every day or after any stressful confrontation or challenge. Practicing Spiritual and energetic hygiene daily is an important practice to keep your cells and energy field cleansed and vibrating at a high pure frequency, where illness and disease can’t exist.


This guided meditation has been divinely channelled to remove all blocks to self love and reconnect to Divine Love. You will be take you on a journey, to reconnect to the frequency of Universal Divine Love. Up above "the Void" or invisible veil of duality, that separates Heaven from Earth, the non physical, from the physical., back into the LOVE. Where there is only Love, peace and acceptance. Here you will be reunited with your Soul self and Divine Spirit Team, who love you very much and are there to guide, love and support you. In this place you will feel an over whelming sense of pure love, wanting to embrace, heal and blend with you. This Divine love has the ability to turn all darkness to light and heal all resistance to self love and letting love in.

Meeting your Spirit Team

This guided meditation has been divinely channelled to take you way back in time, before you were born. Back to when your soul was just a bright light in consciousness. You will be guided to remember the day your spiritual team of Angels & Spirit Guides came to you and said, it was time to think about going back to Earth for your next human incarnation. You will be guided to remember the conversations you had with them, the plan you made, the importance lessons you were still to learn and about any karma you needed to end or repay. You will also be reminded of all your Spirit teams "coaching & mentoring" you received to prepare you ahead of time.

Inner Child

Be guided on a journey, into your sacred heart, to uncover all lost, wounded and forgotten versions of yourself, from your past, that are still hiding in your shadow side. This guided meditation will help illuminate them out of the shadows and into the light, where they can be reunited with love. This deep inner child healing process will create powerful inner shifts and align you back to deep self love.