Bloom Classes, January | Bloom Class Previous Introduction to Emotional Freedom Technqiue You Might Also Like Introduction to Emotional Freedom Technqiue May | Intuitive Development | The Practice of Psychometry. May | EFT Sequence 2 | Tapping for healthy & strong organs during Autumn. July | EFT Sequence | Calm and release fear, anxiety, issues with control & trust. April | Breath Work 1 | Bharmari breathe or Buzzing Bee
Bloom Classes, January | Bloom Class Previous Introduction to Emotional Freedom Technqiue You Might Also Like Introduction to Emotional Freedom Technqiue May | Intuitive Development | The Practice of Psychometry. May | EFT Sequence 2 | Tapping for healthy & strong organs during Autumn. July | EFT Sequence | Calm and release fear, anxiety, issues with control & trust. April | Breath Work 1 | Bharmari breathe or Buzzing Bee