July | EFT Sequence | Calm and release fear, anxiety, issues with control & trust.
In this video, Alison goes through tapping sequences to help calm and release fear, anxiety, issues with control & trust.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, winter is an important season, of slowing down, resting, restoring, finding peace, stillness & nurturing your kidneys and bladder organs. The emotion & issues involved are:
Kidneys: fear, anxiety
Bladder: Control issues & trust issues.
If you struggle with any of these issues or have imbalances in these meridians, it may be difficult for you to relax, slow down, be still or feel peaceful.
Follow allow with Alison as she guides through Emotional Freedom Technique tapping sequences to release unconscious blocks, emotions & enhance inner peace & stillness
July | Breath Work | Sitali BREATH or cooling breath