The Sitali breath or "Cooling" breath is wonderful for cooling, heated emotions, like anger, frustration, overwhelm & fear.
A simple and easy one to practice anywhere or anytime. Especially on those difficult days or times when nothing is going right or you're dealing with challenging people.
Is a simple 3 part breathing technique, which involves using all the muscles of respiration
belly / diaphragmatic breathing
thoracic / chest breath
clavicle / clavicular breath
It revitalises the whole body with pranayama or life force energy.
releases stress and anxiety from the body
helps to cleanse and detox
activates the parasympathetic nervous system
helps you to feel calm, grounded and centred
improves digestion and metabolism
nourishes your body with love
Bija (Pronounced BEEJ) meaning seed.
The Bija mantras & breathwork technique are one syllable sounds that activate, tone and balance the 7 major chakras.
Base Chakra - LUM
Sacral Chakra - VUM
Solar Plexus Chakra - RUM
Heart Chakra - YUM
Throat Chakra - HUM
Third Eye - OM
Crown Chakra - Silence
he Padma or Lotus Mudra is a wonderful symbol to represent that all intentions and creation, often come from a tiny seed, that is planted in the dark and knows its way to the light.
This is a lovely simple mudra sequence that helps us , set an intention (or Sankulpa) , connecting it to your highest truth, offering it to the universe/highest consciousness and then surrendering it to Mother Earth.
This "humming" technique is designed to help tone, soothe and strengthen the vagus nerve, that runs from your brain, through your heart and to your stomach.
The humming sound and vibration stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, our ability to rest, digest and feel calm. It's a simple but powerful daily practice to switch off our "fight and flight" response and activate our body's natural ability to feel good and heal.
Sama Vritti
Equal parts breathing for expansion & abundance
Giving and receiving abundance equally and with ease
The receiving of Divine Love & blessings and sharing it out into the world
To elongate the breathe and strengthen the lung muscles.
To be able to create more space, in our mind, body and spirit, for wonderful new things, in infinite different ways. Elongate our breathe to raise our energy, vibration and create more space for love to flow in.
It connects to February’s Aquarius energy – of the innovator, doing things in unconventional ways and the ability to see the “bigger picture”.