During this Bloom class, Alison is joined by her daughter Samara from Aries Heart Astrology, to discuss their own wisdom and experiences with being forced to be still and find peace.
This has definitely been a challenge for both of them. Samara being a head strong Aries, who thrives off being active and busy. Alison being the classic Earth Angel, mother & people pleaser, who put everyones needs above her own and felt guilty, selfish and lazy relaxing. But the Universe eventually had to "shake them to awaken them".
Samara talks about how understanding your birth chart and astrology can help you and Alison explains Traditional Chinese Medicine principles of embracing each season and how important it is to heal underlying emotional and energetic imbalances.
Together they now acknowledge how much more happy, healthy, energised and peaceful they feel, now they have stopped fighting stillness and peace and embrace it instead.
The Sitali breath or "Cooling" breath is wonderful for cooling, heated emotions, like anger, frustration, overwhelm & fear.
A simple and easy one to practice anywhere or anytime. Especially on those difficult days or times when nothing is going right or you're dealing with challenging people.
In this video, Alison goes through tapping sequences to help calm and release fear, anxiety, issues with control & trust.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, winter is an important season, of slowing down, resting, restoring, finding peace, stillness & nurturing your kidneys and bladder organs. The emotion & issues involved are:
Kidneys: fear, anxiety
Bladder: Control issues & trust issues.
If you struggle with any of these issues or have imbalances in these meridians, it may be difficult for you to relax, slow down, be still or feel peaceful.
Follow allow with Alison as she guides through Emotional Freedom Technique tapping sequences to release unconscious blocks, emotions & enhance inner peace & stillness
During this video, Alison share's her knowledge and tips, on how to connect to your guardian angel. From setting the intention, creating a safe space, using your bloom tray ritual and tools to raise your energy, vibration, open your heart and connect to love.
She then takes you on a journey, using a guided meditation, to a sacred etherical meeting place, where you will get to meet and connect to your guardian angel. Ask questions, receive guidance, love and support.
Your guardian angel has been with you since birth and has been excitedly waiting for the day, when you finally want to reconnect. They are just as excited and keen to connect to you, as you are, to them.
Is a simple 3 part breathing technique, which involves using all the muscles of respiration
belly / diaphragmatic breathing
thoracic / chest breath
clavicle / clavicular breath
It revitalises the whole body with pranayama or life force energy.
releases stress and anxiety from the body
helps to cleanse and detox
activates the parasympathetic nervous system
helps you to feel calm, grounded and centred
improves digestion and metabolism
nourishes your body with love
Samara introduces herself and shares her journey to astrology and how it was so healing and helpful during a really tough time of feeling lost and not connected to her heart. She shares how her birth chart and astrology guided her to where she needed to be in order to heal her chronic health issues.
Samara explains why the birth chart is like your soul's blueprint and shares how to begin learning about your Sun, Moon & Rising placements.
During this Bloom class, Alison shares her own journey with why self love, is an essential daily practice, not just a once in a while treat. To make sure she doesn't fall back into old unhealthy patterns of self sacrifice, self judgement and people pleasing. How she finally realised that if she didn't start loving herself the way her body, heart and soul needed to be, her life and health would never improve or change. Through her rock bottom moments she was forced to open her mind to believing in a power greater than herself, that was infinitely loving, supportive and intelligent. The more Alison surrendered her life over to Divine Love and asked for help, the more blessings and miracles came.
Watch this important self love bloom class or read more about what self love means to Alison in this months Self Love Workbook.
Follow along with Alison, as she demonstrates her simple but powerful Bloom tray ritual. Techniques to get out of your head, become more clear and grounded, in your own body, mind and spirit. This month Alison share's simple acupressure points, essential oils, rituals and ways to embrace and practice self love.
This tapping sequence is designed to help remove any underlying resistance or blocks to self love. There are many different reasons someone can find it hard to love themselves, as everyone is unique and has their own experiences. "Tapping" or Emotional Freedom technique is a wonderful way to acknowledge, release and acheive emotional freedom from these memories and feelings. It also is powerful at silencing the "inner critic". In this video, Alison covers the issues with self criticism, self judgement, feeling unworthy of love, or that self love is selfish and egotistical.
Learn the energy reading technique psychometry. The ability to read and receive information from an object. A wonderful technique for Spirit Mediums to connect to loved ones in spirit.
In chinese medicine, autumn is the season that governs the "Metal element" and the lungs and large intestine.
In this tapping sequence we will be tapping on the emotions that go with these organs, so our organs can be healthy and strong.
Lung emotions: Grief, sadness & guilt
Large Intestine emotions: Letting go, feeling stuck, holding on & ability to move forward.
This tapping sequence is for anyone who is fearful of getting sick or would like to boost their immune system
Bija (Pronounced BEEJ) meaning seed.
The Bija mantras & breathwork technique are one syllable sounds that activate, tone and balance the 7 major chakras.
Base Chakra - LUM
Sacral Chakra - VUM
Solar Plexus Chakra - RUM
Heart Chakra - YUM
Throat Chakra - HUM
Third Eye - OM
Crown Chakra - Silence
During this Bloom class, Alison shares her knowledge and experience with many ways to support and boost your immune system,
She share's her own insight, wisdom and journey with healing her own body, from years of chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, fuzzy head, Epstein Brr virus and so much more. Even her own daughter's health crisis with loosing her eye sight.
She share's how important it is to heal your body, emotionally, physically and energetically,
Follow along with Alison, as she demonstrates her simple but powerful Bloom tray ritual. Techniques to get out of your head, become more clear and grounded, in your own body, mind and spirit. So you can feel good any time of the day.
This tapping sequence is for empaths, who are highly sensitive and fearful of conflict, confrontation and criticism.
he Padma or Lotus Mudra is a wonderful symbol to represent that all intentions and creation, often come from a tiny seed, that is planted in the dark and knows its way to the light.
This is a lovely simple mudra sequence that helps us , set an intention (or Sankulpa) , connecting it to your highest truth, offering it to the universe/highest consciousness and then surrendering it to Mother Earth.
This "humming" technique is designed to help tone, soothe and strengthen the vagus nerve, that runs from your brain, through your heart and to your stomach.
The humming sound and vibration stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, our ability to rest, digest and feel calm. It's a simple but powerful daily practice to switch off our "fight and flight" response and activate our body's natural ability to feel good and heal.
Self healing Technique to help empaths cleanse, up lift, restore and expand their life force energy & QI
During this Bloom class, Alison shares her knowledge and experience with what it is like to be an empath or highly sensitive soul. She explains the many signs and symptoms an empath experience and how it can affect your physical, emotional and energetic health and wellbeing.
Alison then shares how she has learnt to honour, protect and use her empathic qualities as a gift, as she learned how to over come many years of feeling drained and debilitated from it. She shares her favourite self care tips as well to help you thrive and bloom.
Follow along with Alison, as she demonstrates her simple but powerful Bloom tray ritual. Techniques to get out of your head, become more clear and grounded, in your own body, mind and spirit. So you can feel good any time of the day.
Clearing limiting beliefs and emotional blocks to Abundance. Such as guilt, feeling selfish, unworthy or undeserving
How to use a crystal pendulum
Using a crystal pendulum as a divination tool, to connect to Divine Love and Intelligence, for answers, guidance and feedback for your souls highest good.
You can use this technique to give you "yes/No" feedback for anything!
It's another form of "self muscle testing" and a wonderful technique to enhance your intuition
How to live fully from Divine Abundance
Alison share’s her own journey and experience with understanding the Soul's journey here on earth and how we are here to experience life in all ways, and to grow, learn and evolve as a soul.
Alison share's her own past life experiences and lifetimes where she had nothing and was wealthy and abundant, and how we bring unresolved feelings and beliefs into this life time, which creates our outer world and reality.
The importance of clearing and deleting old vows, promises, contracts and unconscious blocks that are blocking our ability to receive Divine love and abundance freely and easily.
How to break free of the ego and attaching to other people, places and things for our source of salvation, then we are loften limited. When we surrender and connect to the Divine, we become connected to infinite wisdom, miracles and possibilities
Bloom tray ritual & Being responsible for your own energy & vibration to help you Bloom.
Follow along with Alison, as she demonstrates her simple but powerful Bloom tray ritual. Techniques to get out of your head, become more clear and grounded, in your own body, mind and spirit. So you can feel good any time of the day.
Sama Vritti
Equal parts breathing for expansion & abundance
Giving and receiving abundance equally and with ease
The receiving of Divine Love & blessings and sharing it out into the world
In this second video, Alison share’s her own journey and experience with understanding the importance of doing things that make you feel happy daily, without feeling selfish or guilty. Alison share’s how life changing it was to learn about these things and overcome these imbalances. To adopt a daily ritual and practice for self love and self care, so she does not fall back into unhealthy patterns, that can cause her body to create manifest disease and pain again.
You will learn how to use EFT, to break the cycle and habit of worrying and overthinking. To simply acknowledge all the things you are worried about, then using the “tapping” technique to get them up and out, instead of letting them go round and round and causing stress and tension in your head, stomach and other parts of your body.
Learn how to tune into your own life force energy & your own body's feedback for answers to anything. Learning to trust and follow your body's inner wisdom to navigate direction and choices.
A powerful self muscle testing technique.
Follow along with Alison, as she demonstrates her simple but powerful Bloom tray ritual. Techniques to get out of your head, become more clear and grounded, in your own body, mind and spirit. So you can feel good any time of the day.
To elongate the breathe and strengthen the lung muscles.
To be able to create more space, in our mind, body and spirit, for wonderful new things, in infinite different ways. Elongate our breathe to raise our energy, vibration and create more space for love to flow in.
It connects to February’s Aquarius energy – of the innovator, doing things in unconventional ways and the ability to see the “bigger picture”.